Binance Web3 Wallet Reward|Manta Galxe |Satoshivm Testnet


Unlocking Rewards with Binance Web3 Wallet


Have you heard about the exciting rewards awaiting Binance Web3 Wallet users? From claiming up to $500,000 to participating in intriguing campaigns, the possibilities are endless. Let’s dive into the details and unravel the potential rewards and opportunities that await.

The Rewarding Experience

Binance Web3 Wallet has been making waves by rewarding its users with generous incentives. Some fortunate users have received substantial rewards, while others have also unlocked exciting benefits. To explore your rewards, simply click on the app icon, navigate to More Services, and then access the Web 3 Wallet. The process is seamless and opens up a realm of opportunities for claiming rewards and joining captivating campaigns.

Exploring Exciting Features

The Binance Web3 Wallet offers a plethora of features to its users, including MetaMask, Omni Flex, Atom Stacker, and Capler wallet. By leveraging these features, users can verify their eligibility for various rewards and campaigns. For instance, the Manta Network’s campaign for Happy New Year 2024 presents an enticing opportunity. By depositing USD C, USDT, or Ethereum, users can partake in the campaign and reap its benefits until 261204.

Seamless Fund Management

Effortlessly managing and transferring funds is a standout feature of the Binance Web3 Wallet. Users have the flexibility to choose different networks for fund transfers, such as OB BNB, BNB chain, Polygonum, and more. Additionally, the wallet facilitates convenient deposits and transfers, with minimal fees, making it a user-friendly platform for financial transactions and investments.

Participating in Engaging Campaigns

Participating in campaigns like the Super Air Drop Campaign can be a rewarding experience. By minting the campaign NFT OT and diligently completing daily tasks, users have the opportunity to earn enticing rewards. Furthermore, the Uniset Wallet provides an avenue for engaging in the test net session of the VM. Completing tasks over seven days and successfully sending test net bitcoin using the Uniset Wallet can unlock valuable rewards.

Connecting to Satosh VM Test Net

For users keen on exploring the Satosh VM Test Net, Binance Web3 Wallet offers a seamless process for connection. A step-by-step guide for adding the network chain and connecting with MetaMask is provided, simplifying the setup process. Understanding concepts like testnet and network RPC is integral to maximizing the potential of this connection.

Navigating the EVM Test Net

An essential aspect of maximizing rewards is depositing funds on the EVM Test Net through the Bitcoin Test Net. By carefully following the designated process of depositing and withdrawing funds, users can ensure a seamless transaction experience. It’s important to note that there may be a brief delay of 10 to 30 minutes for the funds to be processed due to bridge time.


With Binance Web3 Wallet, the potential for unlocking rewards and exploring new opportunities is truly boundless. By actively engaging in campaigns, leveraging exciting features, and navigating network connections, users can embark on a journey filled with lucrative incentives. The future holds endless possibilities for those willing to explore the wealth of rewards offered by Binance Web3 Wallet.



Network name: SatoshiVM Testnet
RPC url:
Chain ID: 3110
Currency: BTC



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