X1 Testnet|Week 4 DeFi Week|Complete & Earn Gaxle Points

X1 Testnet

Mastering X1 Testnet DeFi Week


Welcome to the dynamic world of X1 Testnet and the thrilling DeFi Week. In this blog, we’ll delve into the intricate details of completing tasks, executing trades, and managing assets on the X1 Testnet. Get ready to unlock the secrets of decentralized finance and earn Gaxle points!

Connecting to X1 Testnet and Swapping on DEX

Week four tasks on X1 Testnet offer a multitude of challenges and opportunities. Starting with the basics, it’s essential to connect to X1’s network and familiarize yourself with executing trades on the decentralized exchange (DEX). For instance, using Connext for bridging and transferring X1 test tokens is a crucial skill.

Executing Transactions and Bridging Assets

Once connected, the next step is to perform buy transactions, bridge assets using Connext, and ensure swift and secure approvals. Guided steps to trade USDC on X1 Testnet can be both enlightening and rewarding for participants seeking hands-on experience.

Deposit, Mint, and Borrow Strategies

Delve deeper into the process of making deposits, minting tokens, and understanding borrowing dynamics on the X1 Testnet. Familiarize yourself with detailed instructions for each step, including the technicalities of minting, transitioning, and borrowing explored.

Stepping into Time Swap for Lending and Borrowing

Tasks to land and borrow on Time Swap provide an exhilarating learning curve. From landing OKB USDC Pool to completing swaps and providing liquidity, participants will immerse themselves in the complex yet rewarding world of Time Swap lending and borrowing.

Supplying Assets and Troubleshooting

Unlock the secrets of supplying Gaxle points, minting Spolia theriums, and optimizing gas fees on Spolia’s network. Learn the process of bridging transactions to X1’s network, and gain insights into troubleshooting common issues encountered during supply functions in the testnet browser.


The X1 Testnet DeFi Week presents an invaluable opportunity to expand your understanding of decentralized finance, while earning coveted Gaxle points. So, roll up your sleeves, dive into the tasks, and unlock the potential of X1 Testnet!



gaxle: https://galxe.com/X1/campaign/GCp7mttQ4w


  1. https://sepoliafaucet.com
  2. https://www.okx.com/x1/faucet/x1faucet
  3. https://www.okx.com/x1/bridge-test#fromChainId=11155111&currency=0x3F4B6664338F23d2397c953f2AB4Ce8031663f80

x1 network: https://chainlist.org/?testnets=true&search=x1



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